Streaming When You Finish Saving The World Enfrancais

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Streaming When You Finish Saving The World Enfrancais, Film Complet en Français, Streaming when you

Ready When You Are, Mr McGill
Titre original: Ready When You Are, Mr McGill ( Film )

Ready When You Are, Mr McGill
Ready When You Are, Mr McGill    11 January 1976


TMDb: 10/10 1 votes

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A film extra has won a chance for the big break in his career. He has two crucial lines in a television film, but nothing goes according to plan.

When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?
Titre original: When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder? ( Film )

When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?
When You Comin' Back, Red Ryder?    09 February 1979


TMDb: 6.2/10 8 votes

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A drug dealer's car breaks down in a small U.S. town. In turn, the town's people become victim to his unique brand of physical and mental torture.

When Are You Moving Out?
Titre original: When Are You Moving Out? ( Film )

When Are You Moving Out?
When Are You Moving Out?    19 September 2022


TMDb: 3/10 1 votes

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Two best friends move in together but disagreements about cleaning and house parties are destined to drive them apart.

When Life Gives You Tangerines
( Séries télévisées )

When Life Gives You Tangerines
When Life Gives You Tangerines    

TMDb: /10 votes

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A drama that tells the adventure-filled life of the rebellious Ae-soon and cast-iron man Gwan-sik, both born in Jeju in the 1950s.

When We Were Young
Titre original: When We Were Young ( Film )

When We Were Young
When We Were Young    21 July 2022


TMDb: /10 votes

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In this film, all of the current Formula 1 drivers share their memories, their beginnings, and explain to us what transformed them, what created their desire to compete, what made them pursue the dream that made them who they are today. They are the living example of a dream come true.

When We Were Young
Titre original: When We Were Young ( Film )

When We Were Young
When We Were Young    17 July 1989


TMDb: /10 votes

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Prospective series pilot about eight 1959 high school graduates in a Northern California town preparing to go off into the world.

When You're Smiling...
Titre original: When You're Smiling... ( Film )

When You're Smiling...
When You're Smiling...    09 March 2009


TMDb: /10 votes

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A David O'Reilly short film that opened for the 2009 Pictoplasma Conference.

When You're Gone
Titre original: When You're Gone ( Film )

When You're Gone
When You're Gone    17 September 2022


TMDb: /10 votes

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In the midst of heartbreak and self implosion, a lapsed writer turned party girl must learn what it truly means to face her pain when she's hunted by a subterranean mother and its brood.

When You’re Smiling
Titre original: When You’re Smiling ( Film )

When You’re Smiling
When You’re Smiling    19 April 2022


TMDb: /10 votes

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A man must continue smiling through Frank Sinatra’s “When You’re Smiling.”


Life Is Beautiful When You Are In Love
( Séries télévisées )

Life Is Beautiful When You Are In Love
Life Is Beautiful When You Are In Love    

TMDb: /10 votes

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The Göçer Family runs away from Istanbul because of their fraudulent acts and finds themselves in a village in the Aegean Region.

When the West Was Young
Titre original: When the West Was Young ( Film )

When the West Was Young
When the West Was Young    28 September 1913


TMDb: 5.7/10 3 votes

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Short Western in which an Indian saves a girl.

Ready When You Are, Mr. McGill
( Séries télévisées )

Ready When You Are, Mr. McGill
Ready When You Are, Mr. McGill    

TMDb: 10/10 1 votes

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Ready When You Are, Mr. McGill is a feature length TV drama, written by Jack Rosenthal. ITV produced two versions, in 1976 and 2003. The 1976 version was the first in a series of six single television plays called "Red Letter Days" each of which showed the events in a single, special day in someone's life. The 2003 version was a remake which was partly rewritten by Rosenthal.

When Elephants Were Young
Titre original: When Elephants Were Young ( Film )

When Elephants Were Young
When Elephants Were Young    12 August 2016


TMDb: 8.5/10 2 votes

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A young man and his young elephant street beg in gritty Bangkok amid the controversial elephant business that threatens their survival, until the opportunity comes to release the elephant to the wild.


( Séries télévisées )


TMDb: 4/10 2 votes

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Teresa Suarez, surnommée Paloma tombe amoureuse de Diego Sanchez Serrano et celui-ci l'aime aussi. La femme de Diego, Berenice est jalouse. Très vite la famille parvient à la chasser. Plus tard, Paloma se crée une fausse identité pour pouvoir travailler dans l'hacienda et devient Elena Olivares. Fabian, le frère de Diego découvre très vite que Paloma et Elena sont les mêmes. Diego aussi et en est ravi. Mais très vite, Miguel rencontre Paloma et on découvre que Berenice l'a trompé avec lui et Miguel est allé avec Daniela, la cousine de Diego. Elle se rend compte qu'il cache quelque chose. Plus tard, elle découvre qu'il l'a trompé avec Berenice. Daniella trouve son vrai amour, un noir Harold auquel Ines, la grand-mère n'accorde aucune confiance. Mariano devient ami avec Paloma et en tombe amoureux. Diego, jaloux en vient jusqu'à brûler pratiquement tous ses souvenirs sur Paloma. Après, il comprend que Paloma n'avait pas ces intentions. Harold le surnomme le piromane, ce qui devient gag de la série. Diego se retrouve aussi reoublé par la psychologue (Antonia) qui est obsédée par celui-ci et qui tente tout pour le séduire. Paloma rejoint Diego et Antonia lui fait croire qu'elle a couché avec lui. Mais celui-ci la croit. Les deux souffrent beaucoup et se retrouvent. Soledad, la mère de Paloma surnommée Chole connait le père des enfants Sanchez. Tué et trahi par ceux en qui il avait confiance. Celui-ci lui laisse en héritage une hacienda. Ines croit que Soledad est l'amante de son mari (qui est mort). Les deux se disputent et Ines croit finalement Soledad. Berenice essaie de fuir Miguel et ce dernier garde le bébé. Elle se fait renverser par erreur par une voiture. Fabian fait vendre du café frelaté, ce qui tue gravement un client puis fait accuser Diego. Il se rend pour ne pas mettre en préjudice Paloma. Fabian divorce de Barbara sa femme, parce qu'elle invente toujours de fausses grossesses. Elle met des coussins sur son ventre. Celui-ci l'ayant remarqué divorce. Le jugement s'annonce et Diego gagne. Ceci bien que Aurelio et Berenice ont couché ensemble, malgré le couple entre Aurelio et Josefina, et malgré le drame de Jérémy qui était avec une meurtrière (Matilde a couché avec son oncle et l'a tué). Et qu'elle ait tiré scandaleusement au pistolet (Pancho tombe se croyant mort) mais avait juste eu peur, Diego et Paloma se marient après le mariage de Daniella et Harold.

When You Left Me on That Boulevard
Titre original: When You Left Me on That Boulevard ( Film )

When You Left Me on That Boulevard
When You Left Me on That Boulevard    21 January 2023


TMDb: 6.5/10 2 votes

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Teenager Ly and her cousins get high before a boisterous family Thanksgiving at their Auntie Pinky’s house in southeast San Diego in 2006.

When I'm with You
Titre original: When I'm with You ( Film )

When I'm with You
When I'm with You    25 May 2022


TMDb: /10 votes

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Margot has been waiting in her house for 40 years. Her waiting morphs into desperate attention seeking. But she does not wait alone. Marie is becoming. Malleable, she tries to fit, slipping through her body and sliding around corners, picking up cues of who and how to be. Marjorie shines effortlessly. Her dream life, her golden exterior, her pretty performance, prove impossible and impermanent. Mother Flower is everything, the beginning and the end. Hers is a body of pure bounty, longed for, nourishing, sheltering. The four women are joined by a chorus of body parts, hands and tongues, mouths and babies, across grandiose performances, staged death scenes, fledgling steps, and displays of fertility and futility, as they reveal how hard it is to be in a body, to be a body.

Eat When You're Hungry
Titre original: Eat When You're Hungry ( Film )

Eat When You're Hungry
Eat When You're Hungry    24 April 2019


TMDb: /10 votes

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A mostly true portrait of Malcolm, a modern American young-person raised on TV & McDonalds, and his grandma, Lola, a strong and loud lady who immigrated to the U.S. in the 1970’s after surviving off eating newspaper in the Philippines for 30 years.

...when you travel far
Titre original: ...when you travel far ( Film )

...when you travel far
...when you travel far    02 June 2024

TMDb: /10 votes

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A film by Pyotr Deanna, Al Kotraba, and C. Graciano

When Were You Born?
Titre original: When Were You Born? ( Film )

When Were You Born?
When Were You Born?    31 December 2021


TMDb: /10 votes

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In a world where astrology is institutionally accepted, a student filmmaker visits her father’s hometown in Russia to learn the time of his birth and finally complete his astrological chart. She is guided by a local astrologer, who has her own agenda.

When You Sleep
Titre original: When You Sleep ( Film )

When You Sleep
When You Sleep    11 September 2012


TMDb: 6/10 1 votes

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Two unstable teens live together in a slum apartment. When, in a poetic move, rats start invading their home, they realize that they have to deal with an unspoken matter that is threatening to ruin their relationship.