Film Man Of God Vostfr

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Film Man Of God Vostfr, Film Complet en Français, Streaming man of

Santo et Blue Demon contre Dracula et le loup-garou
Titre original: Santo y Blue Demon vs Dracula y el Hombre Lobo ( Film )

Santo et Blue Demon contre Dracula et le loup-garou
Santo et Blue Demon contre Dracula et le loup-garou    26 July 1973


TMDb: 5.7/10 25 votes

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Le comte Dracula et son acolyte loup-garou Rufus Rex élaborent un plan machiavélique pour dominer le monde. Seul capable d'empêcher le pire d'arriver, le célèbre catcheur Santo, affublé de son ami et néanmoins rival Blue Demon, décide d'intervenir afin de déjouer les ambitions des deux monstres...

One Man's Chivalry
Titre original: 任侠男一匹 ( Film )

One Man's Chivalry
One Man's Chivalry    15 October 1965


TMDb: /10 votes

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Tokizо, the boss of the Tenmaru-gumi group, assists Kikujiro, a traveler on the run. At this time, a tender is being held to conclude a contract for the construction of the railway. Tokizo, who made the highest bid, was bought by the head of the Wakatsuki section of the Kansai Railroad, who was thinking about the country, and won by suppressing Takebe-gumi, who used bribes. However, not everything went as smoothly as planned...

L'Homme qui défia l'Organisation
Titre original: L'uomo che sfidò l'organizzazione ( Film )

L'Homme qui défia l'Organisation
L'Homme qui défia l'Organisation    12 November 1975


TMDb: 4.3/10 3 votes

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Un employé de l'aéroport échange un paquet de drogue contre du bicarbonate de soude et s'enfuit à Barcelone, tandis que les trafiquants de drogue sont sur sa piste.

Monster Hunt Bao Man
Titre original: Qing Tian Xiang Yao Lu ( Film )

Monster Hunt Bao Man
Monster Hunt Bao Man    10 November 2017


TMDb: 2.5/10 1 votes

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A strange and bizarre journey of the demon world began in the midst of crisis and doubt.

I Wanna Be Your Man
Titre original: 神探磨轆 ( Film )

I Wanna Be Your Man
I Wanna Be Your Man    08 June 1994


TMDb: 0.8/10 2 votes

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Lau Ching Wan was in the force for almost ten years. He was very careless and was termed "Detective Idiot" by his colleagues. One day, he came to the knowledge that his boss, Christine Ng was a lesbian. Nevertheless, they became good friends and treated each other like brothers. Unfortunately, Lau fell in love with Ng's girlfriend.

The Man Who Came To Kill
Titre original: 殺しに来た男 ( Film )

The Man Who Came To Kill
The Man Who Came To Kill    15 October 1991


TMDb: 6/10 2 votes

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A professional hitman comes to kill a man as his final job. He manages to shoot him to death, but when he is leaving the house, the man he killed shows up again.

The Man from Swan Farm
Titre original: Manden på Svanegården ( Film )

The Man from Swan Farm
The Man from Swan Farm    15 December 1972


TMDb: 6.5/10 3 votes

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Man from Canyon City
Titre original: L'uomo che viene da Canyon City ( Film )

Man from Canyon City
Man from Canyon City    15 October 1965


TMDb: 6/10 1 votes

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Red and Carraucho, after escaping from jail, reach the border to Mexico and are hired by Morgan, a rich silvermine owner. Disgusted by the latter's cruelty, especially against the local peones, the two support a revolt organized with the aid of Mrs. Vivian, wife of the ruthless tyrant.

The Black Hooded Man 2
Titre original: 御存じ快傑黒頭巾 第二話 新選組追撃 ( Film )

The Black Hooded Man 2
The Black Hooded Man 2    07 August 1955


TMDb: /10 votes

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The mysterious black hooded man, Kurozukin, helps transport funds raised to fight against the government.

Téléphone Arabe
Titre original: Ish lelo selolari ( Film )

Téléphone Arabe
Téléphone Arabe    25 July 2012


TMDb: 5/10 1 votes

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Jawdat, un jeune arabe israélien, veut simplement s’amuser avec ses copains, passer des heures à discuter sur son portable, et surtout, trouver l’amour. Mais il multiplie les rendez-vous ratés avec des jeunes filles musulmanes, chrétiennes, et même juives, tout en tentant désespérément de réussir son test d'hébreu pour entrer à l’université et ainsi quitter son village. Les choses se compliquent quand Salem, son père, cultivateur d’olives, veut qu'il le rejoigne dans son combat contre l'antenne installée dans un champ voisin par la compagnie israélienne de téléphone et qu'il soupçonne d'irradier les villageois.

Suivez-moi jeune homme
Titre original: Suivez-moi jeune homme ( Film )

Suivez-moi jeune homme
Suivez-moi jeune homme    03 December 1958


TMDb: 5/10 1 votes

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Le riche armateur Aristide Oranos courtise assidûment Mlle Françoise, première vendeuse d'une bijouterie de la rue de la Paix. Mais la jeune fille semble indifférente à ses arguments financiers, aussi Aristide ne voit qu'une explication : il doit y avoir un rival ! Il charge donc une agence de renseignements de faire une enquête.

Super Energetic Man
Titre original: 戇豆豆追女仔 ( Film )

Super Energetic Man
Super Energetic Man    21 May 1998


TMDb: /10 votes

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Edmond Leung stars as On Do Do, a Chinese version of Popeye who eats Fairy Weed, giving him enlarged forearms and great strength.

A Man without a Shadow
Titre original: مردی بدون سایه ( Film )

A Man without a Shadow
A Man without a Shadow    18 September 2019


TMDb: 3.2/10 4 votes

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The film A Shadowless Man in the Social Genre, produced in 1397 and filmed in Iran and Spain. The director of this work, Alireza Reisian, went on to make a film without shadows after the films "Forty Years" and "The Age of Love". A Shadowless Man was screened at the 37th Fajr Festival. The story of this film deals with the emotional and marital relationship of contemporary man, who has a special look at social problems these days. The film's synopsis states that filmmaker Mahan Koushiar decides to make a documentary about a serial murder, but his life is affected.

Man, a Natural Girl
Titre original: 天然少女萬 ( Film )

Man, a Natural Girl
Man, a Natural Girl    23 February 1999


TMDb: /10 votes

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Miike's first television production in seven years (since 1992's Last Run), Tennen Shoujo Mahn (lit: Natural Girl Mahn) is an adaptation of a manga series by Tetsuya Koshiba about a schoolgirl with extraordinary fighting prowess.

The Man And His Bird
Titre original: Chelovek I Ego Ptica ( Film )

The Man And His Bird
The Man And His Bird    15 February 1975


TMDb: 7/10 1 votes

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The film is about terrible life of a common man

I'm a man and... I'll have fun!
Titre original: Άντρας είμαι και... το κέφι μου θα κάνω! ( Film )

I'm a man and... I'll have fun!
I'm a man and... I'll have fun!    01 January 1960


TMDb: /10 votes

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A young girl, in an attempt to avoid the aspirations of her bosses, gets a job disguised as a man.

A Man Like Eva
Titre original: Ein Mann wie EVA ( Film )

A Man Like Eva
A Man Like Eva    17 February 1984


TMDb: 4.8/10 6 votes

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A bearded director named EVA, a fictive Rainer Werner Fassbinder, lives in a large house with his cast and crew as he films Dumas' Lady of the Camellias. His accountant informs him he has many unpaid bills and little cash on hand. EVA throws a fit and fires him. He then proceeds to play one person off against another, dismiss with cruelty his recent lover Ali, sleep openly with his leading lady Gudrun, and make a direct and public play for his leading man, Walter. He's mercurial, dictatorial, and manic. Will he finish the film, having drawn great performances from his actors through his manipulations, or will his antics set events in motion that spin out of his control?

L'homme qui trahit la mafia
Titre original: L'homme qui trahit la mafia ( Film )

L'homme qui trahit la mafia
L'homme qui trahit la mafia    20 May 1967


TMDb: 3.3/10 2 votes

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Un trafiquant de drogue américain a été assassiné ainsi que sa secrétaire et une hôtesse de l'air. La police française possède des informations laissant penser que les victimes appartenaient à un important réseau de trafic d'héroïne et l'enquête est confiée à l'inspecteur Claude Lambert. Grâce à des indicateurs et aux révélations de Bianchini, l'avocat des mafieux qui y laissera sa vie pour les avoir dénoncés, Lambert poursuivra les membres du gang.

Kim Man-seok-I
( Séries télévisées )

Kim Man-seok-I
Kim Man-seok-I    

TMDb: /10 votes

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Jeon Il-man-I
( Séries télévisées )

Jeon Il-man-I
Jeon Il-man-I    

TMDb: /10 votes

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