Is There Anyone Home

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Is There Anyone Home, Film Complet en Français, Streaming is there anyone

Is There Anyone Home?
Titre original: Is There Anyone Home? ( Film )

Is There Anyone Home?
Is There Anyone Home?    31 October 2025


TMDb: /10 votes

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Ashton chats with his mother on FaceTime, when he is surprised by a masked presence inside his home.


Er der nogen?
( Séries télévisées )

Er der nogen?
Er der nogen?    

TMDb: /10 votes

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Is There Anyone Home?
Titre original: Tem Alguém em Casa? ( Film )

Is There Anyone Home?
Is There Anyone Home?    15 December 2022


TMDb: 10/10 1 votes

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For the first time, Airton lives far from his sister, Ana Luísa. Despite the distance, the siblings talk whenever possible. However, a simple joke leads Airton to question whether there is anyone, besides him, inside his new home.


ORELSAN : Montre jamais ça à personne
( Séries télévisées )

ORELSAN : Montre jamais ça à personne
ORELSAN : Montre jamais ça à personne    

TMDb: 8.2/10 33 votes

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Au début des années 2000, Aurélien Cotentin est un jeune provincial de classe moyenne à l’avenir flou. Quand il se lance avec ses amis dans le rap, il n’a absolument rien pour réussir. Mais, suivi à la trace par la caméra de son petit frère, il va surmonter épreuves et polémiques pour redéfinir les contours du rap et devenir l’un des artistes français les plus populaires de sa génération.

Anyone But Her
Titre original: Todas Menos Tú ( Film )

Anyone But Her
Anyone But Her    14 February 2024


TMDb: 6.8/10 37 votes

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A tight-knit group of friends can't live without each other, that is until one of them announces their marriage. In the midst of dealing with this change, they stumble upon the perfect chance to throw a wrench into the wedding preparations.


I Won't Love Anyone Anymore
( Séries télévisées )

I Won't Love Anyone Anymore
I Won't Love Anyone Anymore    

TMDb: /10 votes

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Miyuki works in a bank with Sayuri and Takuya. Sayuri and Takuya plot to get the money each of them needs. Miyuki is violently hurt by their scheme and her relationship with her fiance is affected. When Miyuki discovers the people responsible for all that has happened to her, she plans her revenge.

Personne n'est obligé de me croire
Titre original: No voy a pedirle a nadie que me crea ( Film )

Personne n'est obligé de me croire
Personne n'est obligé de me croire    22 November 2023


TMDb: 7.1/10 22 votes

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La carrière et la vie d'un écrivain connaissent un rebondissement inattendu quand il croise le chemin de dangereux criminels juste avant de s'installer à Barcelone.

Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai
Titre original: もう誘拐なんてしない ( Film )

Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai
Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai    03 January 2012


TMDb: 6/10 1 votes

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Tarui Shotaro est un homme ordinaire qui rêvait de devenir un héros lorsqu'il était enfant, mais qui se débrouille maintenant comme travailleur à temps partiel. Un jour, la fille d'un chef yakuza lui demande d'organiser un faux enlèvement.

No One Loves Anyone For More Than Two Years
Titre original: Ninguém Ama Ninguém por Mais de Dois Anos ( Film )

No One Loves Anyone For More Than Two Years
No One Loves Anyone For More Than Two Years    12 November 2015


TMDb: 6.6/10 8 votes

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"No one loves anyone for more than two years" is an adaptation of Nelson Rodrigues' work about five couples that live in Brazil in the early 60's, who are seen by the society as conventional people, but whose intimate lives turn out to be morally questionable.

I Never Shot Anyone
Titre original: 一度も撃ってません ( Film )

I Never Shot Anyone
I Never Shot Anyone    03 July 2020


TMDb: 7/10 1 votes

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Renji Ishibashi, starring in the movie for the first time in 18 years, plays a hero with two faces, a dull novelist and a legendary killer. Susumu Ichikawa, an obsolete writer with no manuscript at all, had another face - a legendary hitman. But the truth of the matter is... he had never shot a person. One day, he receives a murder request from a friend. Seeing this as an opportunity to achieve the ideal hard-boiled novel, he decides to hire a real hitman and demands that he report to him the assassination situation as it was.


Don't Tell Anyone
( Séries télévisées )

Don't Tell Anyone
Don't Tell Anyone    

TMDb: 7.8/10 9 votes

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The story behind the crime that occurred in the summer of 2016 in Pioz, a small town in La Alcarria, where the lifeless bodies of a Brazilian couple and their two children were found.

Hit Me Anyone One More Time
Titre original: 記憶にございません! ( Film )

Hit Me Anyone One More Time
Hit Me Anyone One More Time    13 September 2019


TMDb: 7.4/10 8 votes

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Kuroda Keisuke se réveille dans un lit d'hôpital incapable de se souvenir de qui il est. Il se faufile hors de l'hôpital et arrive à voir les infos à la télévision. C'est le choc. En effet, Kuroda se rend compte qu'il est le premier ministre du Japon, et qui plus est avec la côte de popularité la plus basse de l'histoire. Lors d'un discours, il a été frappé d'une pierre lancé par un citoyen, ce qui lui a fait perdre la mémoire. Un homme, qui semble être son subordonné, l'emmène à la résidence officielle du premier ministre. Seuls ses trois secrétaires, dont Isaka, sont au courant de sa perte de mémoire. Kuroda cache sa perte de mémoire à tout le monde, y compris à sa femme Satoko.

No se lo digas a nadie
Titre original: No se lo digas a nadie ( Film )

No se lo digas a nadie
No se lo digas a nadie    16 July 1998


TMDb: 5.9/10 22 votes

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Le récit traite du tabou que constitue l'homosexualité dans la société liménienne de la fin du XXe siècle, à travers l'histoire de Joaquin, jeune homme issu d'une famille de la haute bourgeoisie traditionnelle péruvienne qui va découvrir la manière dont il lui faudra vivre son homosexualité socialement.

All Night Long: Anyone Would Have Done
Titre original: ALL NIGHT LONG -誰でもよかった- ( Film )

All Night Long: Anyone Would Have Done
All Night Long: Anyone Would Have Done    27 February 2009


TMDb: 2.5/10 5 votes

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A knife-wielding sexual deviant targets two beautiful sisters.He begins frantic night of abuse and humiliation with the older one after she getting back home.The innocent older sister doesn't know that he had broken into their apartment and had confined the younger one.

Anyone Can Play
Titre original: Le dolci signore ( Film )

Anyone Can Play
Anyone Can Play    21 September 1967


TMDb: 3.9/10 5 votes

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In this delightful romantic comedy, four beautiful women attempt to deal with their sexual frustrations in fashionable Rome society.

To: Anyone Listening
Titre original: Til den som lytter ( Film )

To: Anyone Listening
To: Anyone Listening    14 June 2020


TMDb: /10 votes

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A young journalist seeks out an old friend, to make a podcast about her missing brother.

Anyone But Them
Titre original: Только не они ( Film )

Anyone But Them
Anyone But Them    25 October 2018


TMDb: 2.9/10 9 votes

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When the world is in danger, superheroes come to rescue humanity. They are stronger, faster, smarter than ordinary people and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. But what would happen if superheroes would not be around, and the world's rescue team will be made of selfish, irresponsible twenty year old weirdos?

Tous peuvent me tuer
Titre original: Tous peuvent me tuer ( Film )

Tous peuvent me tuer
Tous peuvent me tuer    06 December 1957


TMDb: 5.9/10 6 votes

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Après avoir volé les bijoux de la passagère d’une voiture dont ils ont agressé le chauffeur, des malfrats dissimulent les bijoux volés dans le socle d'une statue. La police les arrête pour l'effraction d'une distillerie dans laquelle ils ont simulé une beuverie pour se doter d'un alibi les disculpant de toute participation au vol. Ils sont alors condamnés à un an de prison, après quoi ils pourront récupérer le butin dissimulé. Mais à la Prison Saint-Pierre, les choses tournent mal ; les comparses sont en effet mystérieusement éliminés les uns après les autres, sauf un qui craint lui-même pour sa vie.

Does Anyone Hear Anything
Titre original: حد سامع حاجة ( Film )

Does Anyone Hear Anything
Does Anyone Hear Anything    26 November 2009


TMDb: 3/10 7 votes

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An unsocial and eccentric man living alone, accompanied by voice in his ears, telling him what he is doing and sometimes what will happen, he resorts to a psychiatrist to get him out of this situation. The psychiatrist advises him to enter into a romantic relationship and, events follow, to a surprise ending.

Anyone Out There
Titre original: Alguém Qualquer ( Film )

Anyone Out There
Anyone Out There    01 January 2012


TMDb: 8.8/10 2 votes

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Zé is just another typical invisible working class man in a big city. He is a quiet, lonely and simple man who works as a janitor at a residential building and also fixes wicker chairs and baskets. Not even the unexpected visit of Jandira, a distant cousin and a woman full of life, seems to have an impact on his routine of silence. However, after suffering a heart attack, Zé is informed by his doctors he only has about six months of life left. Now, both Zé and Jandira will question their values of love, happiness, life and eternity.