Civil War

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Civil War, Film Complet en Français, Streaming civil war

Civil War
Titre original: Civil War ( Film )

Civil War
Civil War    10 April 2024


TMDb: 7/10 1,587 votes

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Civil War - Civil War streaming complet, Civil War streaming vf gratuit

Dans un futur proche où les États-Unis sont au bord de l'effondrement et où des journalistes embarqués courent pour raconter la plus grande histoire de leur vie : La fin de l'Amérique telle que nous la connaissons. Une course effrénée à travers une Amérique fracturée qui, dans un futur proche, est plus que jamais sur le fil du rasoir.

Captain America : Civil War
Titre original: Captain America: Civil War ( Film )

Captain America : Civil War
Captain America : Civil War    27 April 2016


TMDb: 7.4/10 22,243 votes

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Civil War - Captain America : Civil War streaming complet, Captain America : Civil War streaming vf gratuit

Steve Rogers est désormais à la tête des Avengers, dont la mission est de protéger l’humanité. À la suite d’une de leurs interventions qui a causé d’importants dégâts collatéraux, le gouvernement décide de mettre en place un organisme de commandement et de supervision. Cette nouvelle donne provoque une scission au sein de l’équipe : Steve Rogers reste attaché à sa liberté de s’engager sans ingérence gouvernementale, tandis que d’autres se rangent derrière Tony Stark, qui contre toute attente, décide de se soumettre au gouvernement…


The civil war
( Séries télévisées )

The civil war
The civil war    

TMDb: 2/10 1 votes

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Civil War - The civil war streaming complet, The civil war streaming vf gratuit

The Civil War est un film documentaire sur la guerre de Sécession réalisé par le cinéaste américain Ken Burns. Le documentaire dure 11 heures, découpé en neuf épisodes. Le documentaire utilise plus de 16 000 photos d'archives, peintures, extraits de journaux de l'époque. Il se compose d'un récit cinématographique contemporain avec une narration de David McCullough, des anecdotes et des citations d'auteurs comme Shelby Foote et des interventions des historiens Barbara J. Fields, Ed Bearss et Stephen B. Oates. Plusieurs acteurs prêtent leur voix comme Sam Waterston pour Abraham Lincoln, Jason Robards pour Ulysses S. Grant, Garrison Keillor pour Walt Whitman ou Morgan Freeman pour Frederick Douglass, lisant des citations de ces personnages historiques. Le film a été remastérisé pour son douzième anniversaire et un livre a été publié.


Civil War Journal
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Civil War Journal
Civil War Journal    

TMDb: 6.5/10 2 votes

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Civil War - Civil War Journal streaming complet, Civil War Journal streaming vf gratuit

Documentary series exploring the people, technology and battles behind the war between the states.


La Guerre de sécession
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La Guerre de sécession
La Guerre de sécession    

TMDb: 8.1/10 93 votes

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Civil War - La Guerre de sécession streaming complet, La Guerre de sécession streaming vf gratuit

Récit d'une guerre civile qui déchira un pays et forgea une nation,1861 - 1865. Par l'auteur de THE WAR, une fresque magistrale en neuf épisodes qui fit événement en Amérique.


Civil War Combat
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Civil War Combat
Civil War Combat    

TMDb: /10 votes

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Civil War - Civil War Combat streaming complet, Civil War Combat streaming vf gratuit

Civil War Combat was a series hosted by The History Channel in 1999 to 2003. It described battles of the American Civil War in a graphic, realistic level. Veteran voice actor Tony Jay served as narrator. The series included such battles as the Battle of Gettysburg, Battle of Cold Harbor, Battle of Shiloh, Battle of Chancellorsville, Battle of Antietam and Battle of Petersburg. One of the objectives of the series was to associate people with lesser known regiments and commands. Another one was to provide little known facts of the fields of conflict and to also give an accurate portrayal of the bloodiness of the fighting of the day.


Civil War 360
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Civil War 360
Civil War 360    

TMDb: 6/10 2 votes

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Civil War - Civil War 360 streaming complet, Civil War 360 streaming vf gratuit

Take a journey back in time and immerse yourself in a 150-year-old battle that nearly split our nation in two. This three-part series explores famous and little known aspects of the Civil War, from the perspectives of the Union, the Confederacy and the millions of enslaved people struggling for freedom. Hosted by Ashley Judd, Trace Adkins, and Dennis Haysbert, all of whom had ancestors greatly affected by the war, this series delivers fresh insights and untold tales, brought to life through dramatic recreations and the Smithsonian Institution's vast collection of artifacts.


The Irish Civil War
( Séries télévisées )

The Irish Civil War
The Irish Civil War    

TMDb: 10/10 1 votes

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Civil War - The Irish Civil War streaming complet, The Irish Civil War streaming vf gratuit

The 3-part documentary series The Irish Civil War tells the epic and often challenging story of the origins, conflict and legacy of the civil war that took place in Ireland in 1922 and 1923. Narrated by Brendan Gleeson, produced in partnership with University College Cork by RTÉ Cork as part of the Decade of Centenary commemorations and based on UCC’s “mammoth and magnificent” Atlas of the Irish Revolution, this documentary series features extensive archive film footage, photographs and materials, interviews with leading academics, archive interviews with contemporary participants and witnesses, firsthand witness accounts read by actors, detailed and dynamic graphic maps based on those featured in the Atlas of the Irish Revolution, and stunning cinematography of the very locations where events took place.


Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color
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Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color
Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color    

TMDb: /10 votes

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Civil War - Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color streaming complet, Blood and Glory: The Civil War in Color streaming vf gratuit


Civil War
( Séries télévisées )

Civil War
Civil War    

TMDb: /10 votes

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Civil War - Civil War streaming complet, Civil War streaming vf gratuit

The events revolve around Mariam, a woman who is forced by circumstances to abandon her daughter, Tamara, as a child, so the latter grows cold toward her. Mariam is also being deceived by her psychiatrist and her husband, Youssef.


À feu et à sang : La guerre de sécession
( Séries télévisées )

À feu et à sang : La guerre de sécession
À feu et à sang : La guerre de sécession    

TMDb: 6.5/10 2 votes

Stream Gratuit
Civil War - À feu et à sang : La guerre de sécession streaming complet, À feu et à sang : La guerre de sécession streaming vf gratuit

Découvrez l'un des chapitres les plus extraordinaires et les plus sanglants de l'histoire américaine. Pour raconter cette histoire incroyable, à l’aide de grandes reconstitutions, plongez à l'intérieur de six des batailles les plus marquantes des États-Unis : Bull Run (le premier affrontement majeur de la guerre de Sécession entre le Nord et le Sud), Antietam (la plus sanglante de l’histoire du pays à s’être déroulée en une journée); Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Nashville et le siège de Pétersbourg. Des récits personnels éclairent les faits connus et ceux plus surprenants de ces conflits sanguinolents.


Civil War: The Untold Story
( Séries télévisées )

Civil War: The Untold Story
Civil War: The Untold Story    

TMDb: 5/10 1 votes

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Civil War - Civil War: The Untold Story streaming complet, Civil War: The Untold Story streaming vf gratuit

Recounts how the struggle between North and South, long defined by battles like Gettysburg, Antietam, and Bull Run, was actually dependent on events in the West. Although often overlooked, the western theatre saw some of the conflict's bloodiest encounters, such as Shiloh, Vicksburg, and Chickamauga, and featured iconic leaders.

La Seconde Guerre de Sécession
Titre original: The Second Civil War ( Film )

La Seconde Guerre de Sécession
La Seconde Guerre de Sécession    04 December 1997


TMDb: 6.3/10 38 votes

Stream Gratuit
Civil War - La Seconde Guerre de Sécession streaming complet, La Seconde Guerre de Sécession streaming vf gratuit

Aux Etats-Unis dans un futur proche, le gouverneur de l'Idaho refuse l'asile politique a un charter d'orphelins rescapes d'une guerre nucleaire entre l'Inde et le Pakistan. L'Idaho appelle a l'independance et les milices locales se preparent a affronter l'armee federale.

The Civil Hoax: Civil War Deniers
Titre original: The Civil Hoax: Civil War Deniers ( Film )

The Civil Hoax: Civil War Deniers
The Civil Hoax: Civil War Deniers    05 May 2018


TMDb: 4/10 2 votes

Stream Gratuit
Civil War - The Civil Hoax: Civil War Deniers streaming complet, The Civil Hoax: Civil War Deniers streaming vf gratuit

Historical deniers, conspiracy theorists, and other idiots serve up interviews and meet to discuss their mission to spread rumors, denial, and alternative facts about the U.S. Civil War.

ROH Civil Warfare
Titre original: ROH Civil Warfare ( Film )

ROH Civil Warfare
ROH Civil Warfare    07 May 2010


TMDb: /10 votes

Stream Gratuit
Civil War - ROH Civil Warfare streaming complet, ROH Civil Warfare streaming vf gratuit

ROH Civil Warfare was a professional wrestling event produced by Ring of Honor (ROH). It took place on May 7, 2010 at the Sports Network and Fitness Inc. in Manassas, Virginia.


Reconstruction: America After the Civil War
( Séries télévisées )

Reconstruction: America After the Civil War
Reconstruction: America After the Civil War    

TMDb: 6.7/10 3 votes

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Civil War - Reconstruction: America After the Civil War streaming complet, Reconstruction: America After the Civil War streaming vf gratuit

Explore the transformative years following the American Civil War, when the nation struggled to rebuild itself in the face of profound loss, massive destruction, and revolutionary social change. The twelve years that composed the post-war Reconstruction era (1865-77) witnessed a seismic shift in the meaning and makeup of our democracy.

The Civil War on Drugs
Titre original: The Civil War on Drugs ( Film )

The Civil War on Drugs
The Civil War on Drugs    10 October 2011


TMDb: 7.1/10 10 votes

Stream Gratuit
Civil War - The Civil War on Drugs streaming complet, The Civil War on Drugs streaming vf gratuit

Comedy troupe "The Whitest Kids U Know" present a film that follows two young men who mistakenly believe the American Civil War is being waged over the legalization of marijuana. They join the cause and embark on a journey that brings them face to face with the Union, the Confederates, the Pony Express and eventually Abraham Lincoln himself.

Brothers: A Civil War Story
Titre original: Brothers: A Civil War Story ( Film )

Brothers: A Civil War Story
Brothers: A Civil War Story    23 March 2024


TMDb: /10 votes

Stream Gratuit
Civil War - Brothers: A Civil War Story streaming complet, Brothers: A Civil War Story streaming vf gratuit

The year is 1862 and the American Civil War is raging. For one family in the South, conflicting views on the war cause tension in the family. William, the family's eldest brother, soon grows restless and feels drawn to the Union cause. Feeling betrayed, his younger brother Adam takes up arms in the Confederate army to defend the family home. Now two years later, with old grudges still burning and bullets whizzing by, the brothers meet face-to-face during the Battle of the Wilderness.

Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are)
Titre original: Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are) ( Film )

Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are)
Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are)    17 June 2021


TMDb: 4/10 2 votes

Stream Gratuit
Civil War - Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are) streaming complet, Civil War (Or, Who Do We Think We Are) streaming vf gratuit

A journey across the United States to explore the story of the Civil War of Americans from President Obama's final year in office through the present.

Civil War
Titre original: Guerra Civil ( Film )

Civil War
Civil War    27 April 2010


TMDb: 6.5/10 4 votes

Stream Gratuit
Civil War - Civil War streaming complet, Civil War streaming vf gratuit

Summer of 1982, a beach in the south of Portugal. Rui and his parents live closed in their worlds, blind to the failure that characterizes them as a family and condemns them to the malaise of survival. Rui will have school exams but he is only interested in music and in the exploration of imaginary worlds that he constantly sketches in drawings. Only Joana seems capable of pulling him out of his autism. The girl's vitality fascinates him.